Embracing Autumn


Are you feeling more tired than normal? Are you feeling that desire to sleep a little longer or cuddle by the fire on these cold nights? You are not alone.

Autumn marks a time when the sunrise occurs later and the night begins to fall earlier each evening. We are seeing less light in our day and experiencing more darkness. This is a powerful time of transformation where the plants begin to go dormant for the winter, and animals begin to hibernate. This is a time for contemplation and rest. Everything about Autumn is asking us to Slow. Down.

If you are used to hustling like me—juggling my two companies, helping my two teenage daughters…………….. As I embrace Autumn, I realize that my body and spirit are craving solitude, rest, and healing.

Here are eight tips to Embrace the Autumnal Season:

1. Acknowledge the season! Embracing this celestial cycle is key in helping to validate your feelings for rest and healing.

2. Honor your feelings and desires for rest. Take that nap if you can squeeze one in!

3. Remove Guilt. Take the nap and be gracious with yourself. You deserve this time to slow down.

4. Disconnect from social media—even if it’s for 30 minutes a day. Intentional disconnection to your social media can help quiet the brain during this time so you can create space in your heart and mind to process your feelings.

5. Meditate. Look inward during this powerful time of transformation. You may be surprised at what healing opportunities present themselves.

6. Reach out and connect with like-minded folks. Join me at my next Intuitive Women’s Circle! These ladies know how to hold space for each other to learn and embrace where we are—without judgment.

7. Self-Care. Engage in one self-care act each day during this quiet season. This is a strategic way to carve out some sacred time for yourself instead of fighting against your natural instincts to rest and heal.

8. One-on-One connection. Touch base with a professional who can help you gain clarity and perspective. If some intuitive Life Coaching is calling you - schedule your Laser Coaching session here: https://calendly.com/mbasran/60mincoachingcall